Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Toasted Walnut, Raisin
This blend has been designed with slightly more development and depth of flavour for both Milk Based coffees and for the Espresso drinkers out there. So if you’re up for BIG flavours this is the coffee for you! Combing Brazil, Nicaragua and Papua New Guinea, this blend brings amazing Dark Chocolate notes with hints of sweet Raisin and toastey-ness that reminds us of Walnut
BrazilAguas Paulistas Natural
NicaraguaLos Cipreses Washed
Papua New GuineaKaw Kaw Mountain Washed
Farm: Aguas Paulistas. Producer: Capricornio Coffees. Varietal: Mundo Novo & Catuai. Process: Natural.
This lot comes to us exclusively from our friends at Capricornio Coffees. From the Circuito Das Aguas, this coffee is a blended lot from 3 farms, Fazenda Santana, Fazenda 7 Senhoras and Fazenda Fronteria.
Farm: Los Cipreses Producer: Emilio Gutierez Region: Dipilto, Nueva Segovia. Varietal: Caturra Process: Washed
Originally a cattle farm, Isacio Javier Albir began moving into coffee production, planting a number of different varietals such as Marsellesa, Parainema, Catuai and Obata. The farm has also been experimenting with processing using natural, honey and washed methods, usually for long fermentation periods. This year we bought 10 bags of the natural Marsellesa, dry-milled at the Cafetos de Segovia facility.
Papua New Guinea.
Farm: Kaw Kaw Mountain Producer: Multiple Region: Eastern Highlands Varietal: Bourbon. Process: Washed
The Eastern Highlands province in Papua New Guinea is a wild and rugged place that also happens to support the growth of some of the best coffee in PNG. The coffee farms tend to be at between 1,800m and 2,200m and produce the second highest quantity of coffee for the country. Coffee production in PNG is somewhat similar to Ethiopia, in that much of the coffee is grown by smallholders in garden plots. The Kaw Kaw Mountain region comprises a combination of smallholders, blockholders and plantations, all benefiting from the rich volcanic soil of the area. The Kaw Kaw Mountain catchment area is located in the Unggai district of the Eastern Highlands